Cornerstone Bible Church is seeking applicants for the position of full-time pastor. Here are the qualifications and job description:


• Must meet the biblical qualifications for the office of elder in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9

• Must be in substantial agreement with the London Baptist Confession of 1689 as well as the church’s constitution and core values (see website)

• Must have demonstrated sufficient giftedness in public preaching, teaching, and pastoral leadership to warrant full-time support

• Must be competent to counsel people using the Bible as the main counseling guide

• Must have ministerial training from a like-minded seminary or local church

• Must have a Christ-like temperament to gently lead the flock without being domineering and be able to work effectively in a team of elders

• Must embrace the centrality of the gospel of grace in the pastoral ministry and the life of the church

Job Description:

• Along with the other elders, oversee all church ministries and matters

• Preach the Word of God as the main pulpit preacher

• Teach Sunday school classes and Bible studies as opportunities warrant

• Equip the members of the congregation for their work of ministry

• Provide biblical counseling to members of the congregation and visitors as a gospel outreach

• Be an example of godliness to the flock

• Hold fast to the unchangeable truth of the Bible as articulated in the Reformed confessions while becoming all things to all people that by all means some might be saved


A generous compensation package will be discussed with the qualified man whom the church elects to be its full-time pastor. If you are interested in being considered for the full-time pastor position at Cornerstone Bible Church, please submit a letter of introduction, three letters of recommendation, and your resume to:

Pastor Kevin Gillette,

and Pastor Paul Kuttig,