A Look Back at Vacation Bible School

We are very thankful to God for our recent vacation Bible school. There were a total of 59 children who attended along with around 25 volunteers. We have heard feedback from various people that their children really enjoy our VBS ministry. I believe that a big reason for this positive feedback is the involvement of so many of our teens. The teens who help with our VBS are very good at engaging the younger kids. The teens don't act cool or aloof during VBS. They talk to the kids. They participate in the games. They sit down and eat with the kids during the meal time. They help in the classes. They lead the singing. They perform skits. All of these factors create a connection with the younger kids so that they are more apt to receive the Word of God, which is why we do VBS in the first place. So, I am very thankful to God for all the kids who attended, all the volunteers who helped, but especially for all the teens who did so much (without even thinking about it) to create such a gospel-fertile environment. Thank you!