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A Pastor's Perspective on Gambling Casinos

What does God think about gambling? I’m not ashamed to turn to the Bible for the answer to that question: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). I know that people often object by saying...

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Creation Seminar

Cornerstone is hosting a Creation Seminar, with guest speaker Prof. Andy McIntosh, during March 23-25. We are excited about this seminar because it gives us the opportunity to use the building that God has given us as a platform for holding forth biblical truth about Creation in our community....

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Our Inaugural Worship Service in Our New Building

We celebrated our inaugural worship service in our new facility on May 1, 2016. What a glorious occasion it was! So many of the saints worked so hard to bring this day to pass....

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A Tribute to R.C. Sproul

R.C. (Robert Charles) Sproul went home to be with the Lord on Dec. 14, 2017. Thousands, perhaps millions of people have been touched by R.C. Sproul's ministry of the Word of God and his championing of the Reformed Faith. Our own church owes its existence in part to R.C. Sproul....

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Why Christ's Resurrection Is So Important

All Christians affirm what the Apostle's Creed states about Christ's resurrection, "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; The third day he rose again from ...

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Policy for New Worship Music Team Participants

This is our policy for new worship music ministry participants....

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Thoughts on Heaven

As we mourn the loss of our brother, Don Walton, it's good for us to remember that Don really is in a better place, a place where all believers will one day join him. Here are some thoughts on heaven, where Don Walton lives today......

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Corporate Prayer

Prayer is an important part of the Christian life (Luke 18:1; Rom. 12:12; Col. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17). But in addition to private prayer, the New Testament also teaches the importance of corporate prayer. Here are some New Testament passages on corporate prayer along with some comments on their application in the local church...

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All Christians Are Ministers

I am so thankful for Dan Warda, our new elder, and Ron Merrill, our new deacon. I'm also very thankful for our four other deacons: Brian Danielsson, David Hill, Cameron Moore, and David Sweitzer. These are gifted and godly men and I'm confident that the Lord will continue to use them to bless the ministry of our church. However, we must not think that the responsibility f...

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Ordination Service

We have scheduled an ordination service for Sunday, Oct. 26 during which Dan Warda will be ordained as an elder and Ron Merrill will be ordained as a deacon. Pastor Rick Anderson of Faith Community Church in Oxnard will be our guest preacher....

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